
Got ahold of data from a popular dating app and was asked to employ some effective ML techniques for detecting outliers in the dataset.

Firstly, what is an outlier?

An outlier is an observation or a set of observations exceptionally far from the mainstream of data. It’s either:

  1. an extreme case (Anomaly)
  2. an error eg typo, measuring error, etc (Noise)

Typically, Analysts/Data Scientist are more interested in (1) Unless we just wanted cleanout Noise, which is also a common use case.

What to do with outliers?

Depends on the business focus but here are some general routes:

  1. remove outliers to strengthen our model and/or insights
  2. study them for insight e.g. fix a measuring error, motivate changes to the model, blog post of a special case, etc.
  3. fraud detection

The techniques used for this dataset are as follows –

  • Extreme value analysis
  • Information theory: PCA
  • Dependency variable error

bottom line: finding outliers/anomalies often depends on the business interest. e.g. building a strong model where outliers just amount to a hinderance in performance vs. studying anomalous cases for insight.

next steps:

  • Clustering in this order:
    1. t-SNE to see how well the data clusters i.e. are they disparate data points or do they cluster well.
    2. GMM
    3. DBSCAN
import pandas as pd
from sklearn.preprocessing import StandardScaler
from sklearn.decomposition import PCA
from sklearn.ensemble import RandomForestClassifier

from helpers import plot_no_transformation, plot_optimal_number_of_components_variance
from helpers import score_classifier

import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
%pylab inline

import warnings
Populating the interactive namespace from numpy and matplotlib
df_ratings_sample = pd.read_csv('ratings_sample.tsv', sep='\t')

Extreme value analysis

Boxplot – Theoritically, anything above the top whisker (aprox 43) is an outlier given the distribution is gaussian-like. Though notice a very extreme case: 112 years old and nothing in between - seems suspicious.

This exercise should be repeated for all features though in interest of time, I’ve limited it to just this one

count    500763.000000
mean         28.965531
std           5.164825
min          18.000000
25%          25.000000
50%          28.000000
75%          32.000000
max         112.000000
dtype: float64
skew --  1.2225473630024877
kurtosis-- 3.7030868774085564

df_player_age_outliers = df_ratings_sample[df_ratings_sample.player_age == 112]
like player_id subject_id player_age player_height player_age_max player_age_min player_distance_max player_height_min player_height_max ... player_location subject_gender_orientation subject_hometown subject_metro subject_location distance player_saved player_rated subject_saved subject_rated
454904 0.0 01fc7aa7222451673b2804c97b0034ec0681f105 212adeb131102c365e07a7cca958895bfb3995a1 112 170 60 42 100 92 214 ... Regal_Heights MS Ottawa_Ontario Toronto Greektown 4.226219 0 0 0 107
454905 0.0 01fc7aa7222451673b2804c97b0034ec0681f105 96178849994686461c71eded66b22a4b0bf962b5 112 170 60 42 100 92 214 ... Regal_Heights MS Cornwall_Ontario Other Clairfields 39.918329 0 0 1 82
454906 0.0 01fc7aa7222451673b2804c97b0034ec0681f105 b15a265754b182df8ed2cd58d12c8c8e4c6cb2ce 112 170 60 42 100 92 214 ... Regal_Heights MS Colden_New_York Buffalo Chaffee 91.142046 0 0 0 54
454907 0.0 01fc7aa7222451673b2804c97b0034ec0681f105 6c17aec12b7c408ee8e708f220261becaa3ab728 112 170 60 42 100 92 214 ... Regal_Heights MS Buffalo_New_York Washington_D.C. Annandale 352.332185 0 0 2 77
454908 0.0 01fc7aa7222451673b2804c97b0034ec0681f105 73f153aad08fce26424ce0b04a80562a98af4057 112 170 60 42 100 92 214 ... Regal_Heights MS Hamilton_Ontario Toronto Thornhill 8.720684 0 0 5 190
454909 0.0 01fc7aa7222451673b2804c97b0034ec0681f105 33796aafc7f99f324442486c4b285a4f9bff6767 112 170 60 42 100 92 214 ... Regal_Heights MS Thornhill_Ontario Toronto Bracondale_Hill 0.309304 0 0 2 167
454910 0.0 01fc7aa7222451673b2804c97b0034ec0681f105 f407df1c89f7b1df1a330225eab42f5b1ecf851a 112 170 60 42 100 92 214 ... Regal_Heights MS Toronto_Ontario Toronto Pleasant_View 8.825765 0 0 11 105

7 rows × 30 columns

Duplicate profiles

Examining only the player attributes, it’s just a single person. At first blush, it seemed as if this was a fraudulent case considering the distances from the subject however it could very well be a 112 year old woman seeking a (younger) companion.

player_only_features = [name for name in df_ratings_sample.columns if 'player' in name]
player_id 01fc7aa7222451673b2804c97b0034ec0681f105
player_age 112
player_height 170
player_age_max 60
player_age_min 42
player_distance_max 100
player_height_min 92
player_height_max 214
player_gender_orientation FS
player_hometown Toronto_Ontario
player_metro Toronto
player_location Regal_Heights
player_saved 0
player_rated 0

She seems to find interest in males from 42-60. it’s interesting she has an age_max cap of 60. Begs the question why?

454904    42
454905    45
454906    44
454907    42
454908    43
454909    44
454910    48
Name: subject_age, dtype: int64

Distances from subject

Given the sparsity of users within this age range, it seems you’d have to travel a larger distance to find a match.


Information theory: PCA

How compressable is the data? Another technique used to tell whether or not a dataset has outliers is to check how much redundant information it has. By theory, if it has a lot redundant information - there aren’t many outliers - it’ll compress well.

In this example, we’ll use PCA..

features = [

scaler = StandardScaler()
scale_feature_collinear_feature_M = scaler.fit_transform(df_ratings_sample[features])

plot_optimal_number_of_components_variance(scale_feature_collinear_feature_M, THRESHOLD_FOR_VARIANCE_RETENTION)
number of components that explain target amt of variance explained: 16 @ 0.961780412622


Finding the number of components to retain

Given that there are 19 total features and in order to retain 95% of the variance we can only lose 3 components, we can conclude the dataset is fairly disperse. It doesn’t mean it necessarily has a lot of outliers but it means there isn’t a lot of redundancy in the data.

We can see this examining the scree plot just above. In a dataset that’s highly compressable we would see a stark hockey stick like drop making a sharp angle (an elbow). It’s at this point it’s yields the optimal number of components to retain.

Another method to figure out the number of components to retain is Kaiser’s rule. It finds the point at which each additional components contribution to information (variance) is marginal. It’s 91.7% indicated by the blue line.

Potential next steps –

  1. Retain full number of components post transformation then find the centroid/medoid and compute distances of all examples from the centroid and score the furthest ones as outliers.
  2. Extreme Value Analysis - just like above - on each of the components and remove outliers.
  3. Using a wrapper function, find the optimal number of components to retain by model performance. That is, grid-search the number of components to retain. This method assumes our main concern is model performance and not intrepretation of causality from features.

Pros: quick and dirty implementation possible with minimal analysis Cons: Loss of interpretation of features say if you wanted to study outliers.

*Note, PCA is a function of features as opposed to examples/observations. Meaning it might better at pruning outliers from a feature’s perspective vs distance from other examples.

Dependency variable error

This method involves fitting a model to the dataset and computing the prediction errors of all the examples originally trained on and inspecting the cases with the highest errors. Assuming the model’s reliable, these cases of uncertaintly could be interesting for a variety of reasons at the minimum providing insight as to where the model’s weak.

labels = df_ratings_sample.like == 1.0
X = df_ratings_sample[features]

rf = RandomForestClassifier(
    random_state=40).fit(X, labels)

mean_roc_auc_score = score_classifier(rf, X, labels)[0]
mean_roc_auc_score, sum(labels)/len(labels)
(0.83261574188601062, 0.17553014100482664)

With Mean Roc AUC of 83 we can say the model’s fairly discriminative (reliable). That is, the model’s correct 83% of the time it makes a prediction. Though we have a class imbalance issue with likes only comprising 17.5% of the data.

How’s the class imbalance addressed?

  • For purposes of speed, I’m adjusting the classweights to penalize missclassifications for the minority to be higher.
  • stratified bootstrap sampling for training trees.
  • stratified sampling without replacement for 5-fold cross validation.

Why is Random forest a good base model for this technique?

  • It handles outliers well, that is it maintains the attributes of tree based models which make it robust in discrimination while also being robust to outliers by design: An independent ensemble of Trees. This is superior to a sequential ensemble (Boosting) which is famed for best classifiers to date.
  • interpretability (see below)
scores = rf.predict_proba(X)
probability_of_true = pd.Series(scores[:,1])
0.0    0.576928
0.1    0.167886
0.2    0.055352
0.3    0.018528
0.4    0.008333
0.5    0.010290
0.6    0.020153
0.7    0.034384
0.8    0.043699
0.9    0.040991
1.0    0.023456
dtype: float64

We can see at 0.4 only 0.8% of examples fall into this area. This makes for a good starting point. Though the reality is we’d want to investigate everything from 0.4-0.6:

  1. classifier is on the fence with a decision
  2. it comprises a minority group

A good starting point of investigation of such features is to use the feature importance plot showed in the previous analysis and figure out how/why the datapoints differ from the rest in the most important categories the model uses for it’s prediction.

f, (ax1, ax2, ax3) = plt.subplots(1, 3)

cohort_idx = probability_of_true[probability_of_true == 0.0].index
df_certain_false = X.ix[cohort_idx]
df_certain_false.subject_saved.hist(bins=50, alpha=0.4, ax=ax1)
df_certain_false.subject_rated.hist(bins=50, alpha=0.4, color='red', ax=ax1)

cohort_idx = probability_of_true[probability_of_true == 0.4].index
df_uncertain = X.ix[cohort_idx]
df_uncertain.subject_saved.hist(bins=50, alpha=0.4, ax=ax2)
df_uncertain.subject_rated.hist(bins=50, alpha=0.4, color='red', ax=ax2)

cohort_idx = probability_of_true[probability_of_true == 1.0].index
df_certain_false = X.ix[cohort_idx]
df_certain_false.subject_saved.hist(bins=50, alpha=0.4, ax=ax3, label='saved')
df_certain_false.subject_rated.hist(bins=50, alpha=0.4, color='red', ax=ax3, label='rated')
plt.legend(loc=9, bbox_to_anchor=(0.5, -0.1), ncol=2)
plt.suptitle('low-moderate-high chance of liking subject: saved/rated ratio')

Saved to Rated ratio

The amount of the space the blue occupies vs red indicates subjects with a higher ratio tend have a higher chance of being liked. Not suprising but it’s always nice to have supportive evidence of data.

It also warns us of releasing a model trained on such patterns and consequences for those unpopular individuals. The same people will be recommended over and over - this isn’t good policy for various reasons. To combat this a couple solutions come to mind:

  1. remove the feature altogether or down-weight the importance.
  2. ensemble models and limit the recommendations from this model.
  3. select a few subjects completely at random for a few slots in the recommendation.
errors = pd.Series(labels.astype(float) - scores[:,1])

plt.suptitle('error plot')
-0.9         1
-0.8         5
-0.7        24
-0.6       113
-0.5       609
-0.4      2603
-0.3      8889
-0.2     27651
-0.1     84065
 0.0    300650
 0.1     20526
 0.2     21878
 0.3     17194
 0.4      9979
 0.5      4544
 0.6      1570
 0.7       389
 0.8        67
 0.9         6
Name: like, dtype: int64

This is an interesting case because the model was fairly certian this would be a “like” based on the pattern it’s learned but that’s clearly not the case.

It’s not clear as why this player didn’t like this particular subject however, it does seem like the subject’s new to the platform given she’s only been rated 13 times. Maybe the model doesn’t do well with new players on the platform. At a time_been_on_platform may solve this issue.

anomaly_idx = errors[errors == -0.9].index
print (probability_of_true[anomaly_idx])
40734    0.9
dtype: float64
like 0
player_id f9d0c627287ed0f52fbf2c09fdc336c73931da3c
subject_id e43761fd1f10b6fba0e804b9de9e8e494e03a7e1
player_age 34
player_height 185
player_age_max 33
player_age_min 28
player_distance_max 100
player_height_min 92
player_height_max 214
subject_age 29
subject_height 165
subject_age_max 35
subject_age_min 27
subject_distance_max 100
subject_height_min 92
subject_height_max 214
player_gender_orientation MS
player_hometown Halifax_Nova_Scotia
player_metro Toronto
player_location Greenwood_-_Coxwell
subject_gender_orientation FS
subject_hometown Halifax_Nova_Scotia
subject_metro Toronto
subject_location Old_Town
distance 2.46799
player_saved 14
player_rated 141
subject_saved 3
subject_rated 13

Extensions of this technique:

  • Voting committee: using an ensemble of various other models trained on the same dataset, identify the examples which have the highest disagreeability among the classifiers.

  • Attribute-wise Learning for Scoring Outliers (ALSO): Repeating this exercise, iterating through all variables as dependent. From learning weights to identify features which are most relevant. In addition, an analyst could supply an arbitrary weighting scheme.

  • Insight: given the binary nature of this problem, an analyst could easily figure out the causal factors relating likes such as the ratio up above but also point out rare cases which are exempt from main/trivial set of deciding factors. This is done by interpreting the decision path from the trained trees.